Púca Vogue Paranormal Investigations-Ireland
Follow The Púca
Welcome to Púca Vogue Paranormal,
Welcome to Púca Vogue Paranormal,
Updated Date:24/03/2025 This weekend we go back into lockdown at one of IRELANDS MOST FAMOUS JAILS, WICKLOW GOAL....Epic. Cruel. Tragic. Stay Tuned for updates and follow our socials...
Wicklow Gaol’s story is interwoven with the history of Wicklow and Ireland itself.
Follow the Púca & stay up to date with our latest news by following
our socials, Instagram, Facebook,Tik Tok. YouTube updated weekly!!!
Puca Vogue Paranormal investigations Ireland - YouTube
Check out our Reels Especially this one from Redwood Castle with over
To find out more about us click on the links below,
We are so privileged to be invited to share our story on,
To Be Irish- Ran by the dept of foreign affairs just like us the love of The Irish & Ireland. Thank You!
Again some more about us In The Irish Examiner again a privilege Thank You!
Killarney Advertiser Thank you!
Limerick Leader Thank You!
Unexplained.ie Thank You!
Follow our journey & stay up to date with our Instagram & Facebook for updates, Reels, Pics and More !!! #staysafe, #bekind
Púca Vogue Paranormal Investigations-Ireland are Irish Paranormal Investigators who are focused on providing high-quality content sharing some insight into our world of Paranormal, with a light hearted feel as its brings years of paranormal investigation experience merged with with a new fun vibe investigating many Irish Castles, follow our Irish Ghost Story
from our Team including second generation investigators with a focus on Paranormal Ireland.
Look around our website, follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us.
We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come..
Follow Púca as we go International, with life back to new ways, we are BACK to start off from a new beginning!!!
Some Shots from locations visited to start you off!!!
All images copyright of Púca Vogue and loftus hall images from Maria Hughes photography from our investigation)

The Myrtles Plantation
New Orleans, USA (An overnight is a must here)

Ardfert Abbey

The Myrtles Porch
New Orleans, USA (Image speaks for its self)

Loftus Hall Ireland
Loftus Hall Ireland (from our investigation and image courtesy of Maria Hughes Photography)

Loftus Hall
Priests Room -- lockdown investigation